Friday, December 7, 2012

Ancient Chinese Philosoply of Lao Zi VS Today's Taoism

Lao Zi was a Chinese ancient philosopher who started a new understanding of nature known as Taoism. Nowadays, most of the people keep Taoism as a religion or belief, rather than an unique philosophy of Chinese ancestor as it was. What are the differences between the Taoism in the past and now in the heart of Chinese people today?

Let us start to figure out what do the Chinese people explain Taoism today. Then, we will explore the understanding of Taoism in the past. By these, we can clearly see the differences between Chinese people in the past and today's society.

Nowadays many people are worshiping LaoZi as a deity or God among Chinese community. There are many names found in their tradition and belief. For instance LaoZi also known as TaiShang LaoJun (太上老君) or Taishang XuanYuan. In fact this kind of religion or belief do not have any relationship to the teachings of LaoZi in Dao De Jing (道德经). In Taoism, the teachings of this ancient sage - LaoZi does not related to worshiping Goddess or Deities. LaoZi argues his ideas on the way or principle of livings. There is no doubt that LaoZi's teachings on the nature beings and common principles of life were really amazing and insightful to many people, but unfortunately many people worshiping LaoZi as God or Deity after two to three generations.

In the conclusions, I argue that LaoZi was a great ancient Philosopher in China. But he is not God or Deity that many Chinese community today worshiping in the temple. LaoZi became a God or Deity today is all because of the admirable hearts of many Chinese people in the past after the death of LaoZi most particularly on his teachings of philosophy written in Dao De Jing. In conjunction of that we as a new generation today should be more caution in our understanding of ancient sages and history.